Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hello to you!

Pretty, sunny day in the 80's here.

I've been back and forth to the nursing home, visiting Mom as well as I took her out to lunch at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant, my treat, this past Thursday. We had the turkey, dressing, and gravy and sweet potato suffle with cornbread and biscuits and tea. After we ate, we looked in the store part of the restaurant where they already have up Christmas displays and Mom bought me a pretty Christmas mug, red, with holly trim around the edges and she bought herself a pretty snowman soft figurine that is now set on her shelf by her window, which is by her bed.

Today's Weight: 152.2
Highest Weight: 205.0
Struggling just to hold on to where I'm at, nevermind get to 150.4.

Hope you're having a blessed day in the Lord!
Love, Maria

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