Monday, May 11, 2009

Sorting Out and Storing Mom's Things for Her

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Hello to you! It has been a rainy day today. Hubby is home and we've been getting caught up on a few things that have needed doing around the house and outside. I went through a lot of Mom's things that we brought home from the first nursing home she was in and also from the hospital...had to decide what to store and what to throw out...threw out stuff mostly like partly-used personal stuff she'd had in the hospitals. Got a call today from Mom's wound-care nurse that one of Mom's feet (not the one that was the worst) is completely well! Thank You, Jesus! And thank you, Christians, for your prayers!
Food today:
Breaky: Coffee w sugar and creamer 25, piece of cake Daughter baked for me 300 (325)
Lunch: Cheeseburger (Hubby bought for me while we were out a little while earlier) 400, tea (from same place) sweetened w sugar 100 (825)
Snack: Baked squash/zuchini/onion 100, tea (made at home) sweetened w a little sugar 75 (1000)
Supper: Some of Daughter's homebaked cake 900 (1900)
Snack: Watermelon 100 (2000)
Exercise: Cleaning out a room that had some of Mom's stuff stored in it and relocating most of it to a closet...about an hour's work...also vacumming carpet.
Hope you're having a blessed day in the Lord!
Love, Maria

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Jerri said...

Have a wonderful Tuesday....Your blog is beautiful, but I am having great difficulty reading the green against the blue on your daily entries.... My eyes get blurried...

Glad your able to have some time with hubby & he help yous ort/toss/organize....